Basic Theory

The Organon – Hahnemann’s Theory on which Homeopathic Philosophy is based is:

When treating the patient if you treat the obvious symptom only – such as asthma or coughs – then you have not treated the causing the asthma or cough. Stopping these symptoms is not sufficient to cure the patient. With asthmatic clients some patients given orthodoxy may be given the same treatment for asthma usually for the rest of their lives. The body is trying to eliminate toxins and if elimination cannot take place through the skin then the body will direct the toxins to the next higher organ of the body.  In the instance of asthma this is excretion through the lungs,

Thus excretion through the skin moves to the next functioning organ – the lungs. This can progress to asthma as a means of removing toxins. This is often reflected in firstly wonderful improvement in the skin but secondly followed by deterioration of respiratory function. The direction or order of cure is important. From man to his organs and not from organs to the man. The problem that needs clearing is the problem of inflammation and any worry that is behind the inflammation. Inflammation in one part of the body if not removed will spread elsewhere within the individual. 

Orthodox medicine misleads us by saying the changes in the tissues are the disease. Theory continues by saying all that is in the present picture is what is to be analyzed for future treatment.      

The microscopic pathological results of disease are noted and considered to be the beginning and the ending of the disease i.e. results without anything prior to them. There is no cause and effect and no relation between cause and effect. It is a man that is sick and to be restored to health, not his body, not the tissues. Oh, well, you have constipation …. we are conscious that there are clear reasons which we are aware of which have caused that. If the skin is the problem then the body is clearly trying to eliminate toxins through the skin. If this state progresses we must conclude that the sick man be somewhere in that portion which is not left behind. The man wills and understands; the cadaver does not will and does not understand; then that which takes its departure is that which knows and wills. It is that which can be changed and is prior to the body.

The combination of these two, the will and the understanding constitute man; conjoined they make life and activity, they manufacture the body and cause all things of the body. The will is expressed in the face; Allopathic pathology recognizes noting but man’s body.   

Duty is to hunt out the symptoms of sickness until a remedy is found that covers the disorder. That remedy, which will produce on healthy man similar symptoms, is the master of the situation, is the necessary antidote, will overcome the sickness, restore the will and understanding to order and cure the patient.

Sickness can be learned by the study of the proving of drugs upon the healthy economy. The symptoms of the mind have been found by all his followers to be the most important symptoms in a remedy and in a sickness. Man consists in what he thinks and what he loves and there is nothing else in man. If these two grants parts of, the will and understanding, be separated it means insanity, disorder, death. All medicines operate upon the will and understanding first affecting man in his ability to think or to will, and ultimately upon the tissues, the functions and sensations. With every proved drug in the Materia Medica, we see them affecting first man’s mind, and proceeding from the mind to the physical economy,  A thorough scrutiny of the elements that make up morbid changes that exist in the likeness of drug symptoms.   

The totality of the symptoms written out carefully is all that we know of the internal nature of sickness.   

The highest ideal of a cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles.

But this very scientific ignorant doctor has made a failure: he has driven what was upon the surface and harmless into the innermost precincts of the economy and the patient is going to die as a result 

There should be a corresponding inward improvement whenever an outward symptom has been caused to disappear, and this will be true whenever disease has been displaced by order –      promptly, mildly and permanently.

Medicine has changed somewhat in appearance; contriving to make medicines appear tasteless or tasteful; they are using concentrated alkaloids. But none of these things have been done because of the discovery of any principle; blood-letting and sweating were not abandoned on account of principle, for the old men deprecate their disuse. But the drugs of today are ten times more powerful than those formerly used, because more concentrated.  Extremely dangerous and their real action and reaction unknown. But the patient of the present day goes through more dangerous drugging, because it destroys the mind. The disease in its nature, its essence, has not been changed; it is still there, causing the internal destruction of the individual. Whereas, the treatment that is mild, gentle and permanent, flows with the stream, adjusts the internal disorder and the outermost of man returns to order. Everything becomes orderly from the c means fixed principles; it means a law as certain as that of gravitation; not guess work, empiricism, or roundabout methods, or a cut-and -dried use of drugs as laid down by the last manufacturer.      

The first of man is his voluntary and the second of man is his understanding, the last of man is his outermost; from his centre to his circumference, to his organs, his skin, hair, nails, etc.  From center to circumference is from above downward, from within outwards, from more important to less important organs from the head to the hands and feet. Moreover, he knows that symptoms which disappear in the reverse order of their coming are removed permanently.  The progression of chronic diseases is from the surface to centre. All chronic diseases have their first manifestations upon the surface, and from that to the innermost of man.      

Doctor, I could walk all over the house when you first came to me, but now I cannot“. If the doctor does not know that means recovery he will make a prescription that will drive the rheumatism away from the feet and knees and it will go back to the heart and the patient will die;     

Unless people lead an orderly life they will not be cured of their chronic diseases.    

It is the duty of the physician, then, first to find out what is in man that is disorder, and then to restore him health; and this return to health, which is a perfect cure, is to be accomplished by means that are mild, that are orderly, that flow gently like the life force itself, turning the internal of man into order, with fixed principles as his guide, and by the homeopathic remedy.      

The physician must perceive in the disease that which is to be cured, and the curative indication in each particular case of disease is the totality of the symptoms, is not itself the essence of the disease, it only represents the dispirits order in the internal economy.           

In man the centre of government is in the cerebrum and from it every nerve cell us governed.  It is not from external things that man becomes sick, not from bacteria nor environment, but from causes in himself.  Must proceed from generals to particulars.                 

Suppose we were to start out in this class and make a proving of some unknown drug. It would be expected that you would all bring out the same symptoms, but the same general features would run through this class of provers; each individual would have his own peculiarities.

Now if these were collected together as if one man had proved the medicine, we would then have an image of that medicine. A remedy is not fully proved until it has permeated and made sick all regions of the body.    

This is medicine of experience. They confirm nothing.

All true diseases of the economy flow from centre to circumference. All miasms are future diseases. 

In the government of man there is a triad, the cerebrum, cerebellum and spinal cord, generally, the brain, spinal cord and the nerves. Considered more internally, the will and understanding forming a unit making the interior man; the vital force or viceregent of the soul which is immaterial; and then the body which is material. Every cell in man has its representative of the innermost, the middle and the outermost.                         

There are miasms in the universe, acute and chronic. The chronic, which have no tendency toward recovery, are three, psora, syphilis and sycosis, cure must be from within. 

It is only that which shakes the whole economy, disturbs the government, which is a disease.

If you examine any acute miasm you may know what it looks like, but the esse of it cannot be discovered by any of the senses.  Validity is something absolutely essential to science. We see from all this the necessity of potentization                             

Morbid anatomy, no matter where it occurs, must be considered to be the result of disease. If the physician believes that causes are external, if he believes that the material changes in the body are the things that disturb health, are the fundamental cause of sickness, he will undertake to remove these, e.g., he will cut off hemorrhoids of remove the tumor. But these are not objects Hahnemann means. The objects he means are invisible and can only be know by signs and symptoms.                      

Considerations in man’s life which keep up or encourage man’s disorder. The disorders from the interior, but many of the disturbances that aggravate the disorders are external. These miasms all require a given time to operate before they can affect the external man, and this time is called the prodromal stage.

This is true of psorinum, syphilis and sycosis and of every acute contagious disease know to man.   Each miasms produces upon the human economy its own characteristics                     

There is no miasm the human race that does not have its imitation in drugs. By application the physician must fill his mind with images that correspond to the sicknesses of the human race. It is being conversant with symptomatology, with the symptom images of disease, that makes on a physician. The books of the present time are extensively treatises on pathology, upon heredity, with very little of the patient himself.  “Watson’s Practice” much better descriptions of sickness. At the present time the old-school physician says: “I want to know nothing about your symptoms; take this and go to the first drug store and have it filled”, handing a prescription to be filled at the nearest pharmacy. Everything is denied that cannot be discovered by the senses. The nature of the sickness exists in that state of disordered government expressed by signs and symptoms.  

The physician is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the things that derange health and cause disease, and how to remove them from persons in health.”  Persons about to be made sick from bad habits should break off their bad habits. To prevent coffee drinking, vinegar drinking etc, is a superficial thing; but in this way he may preserve health. One who is suffering from conscience does not need a surgeon. You might say he needs a priest. One who is sick in his vital force needs a physician.                             

He should sew up a wound, but should not burn out an ulcer with Nitrate of Silver.  When signs and symptoms are present the physician is needed, because these come from the interior to the exterior. But if his condition is brought on only from external causes, the physician must delay action and let the surgeon do his work. Vicious habits, bad living, living in damp houses are externals and must be removed. When a man avoids these externals, carefully chooses his food, has a comfortable home, and is still miserable, he must be treated from within.

Diagnosis is important, because it settles between things external and internal.                            

Most probable exciting cause of the acute disease fundamental cause, which is generally due to a chronic miasm.

Little is known of the real exciting causes acute affections are divided into two classes (1) those that are miasmatic,  (2) those that may be called mimicking sickness.

The acute miasms have a distinct course to run. They have a prodromal period, a period of progress and a period of decline. Chronic miasms, psora, syphilis, and sycosis. Hahnemann teaches that the chronic miasms are the fundamental cause of the acute miasms, which is to say, if there were no chronic miasms there would be no acute. Acute diseases then exist from specific causes co-operating with susceptibility. We do not recognize measles or scarlet fever except in sick people. Psora is the cause of all contagion.                          

False in the interior, false in the exterior, so that the body becomes, as it were, false. No cause except in the interior. Causes are infinitely too fine to be observed by any instrument of precision.                   

They are ultimate in the body in the form of tissue hances that are recognized by the eye. Such tissue changes must be understood as the results of disease only or the physician will never perceive what disease cause is, what disease is, what potentization is or what the nature of life is.

The more that disease itself in the outward form the coarser it is and the less it points the physician to the remedy. The more mental it is the more signs there are to direct the physician  to the remedy.

At the present day diseases are names in the books from their appearance and not from any idea as to what the nature or essence of sickness is, if the disease has terminated in the liver numerous names are applied  to the liver

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