Homeopathy for Animals

It is not universally known that homeopathy, although originally devised as a system of medicine for humans, is equally effective for animals.

The basic principle of homeopathy has been known since the time of the ancient Greeks. Derived from the Greek word “Homoios” meaning “like”. Homeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance that produces in the healthy person similar symptoms to those displayed by the person who is ill. Current medical opinion believes that symptoms are caused by the illness. Homeopathy, by contrast, see the symptoms as the body’s reaction against the illness as it attempts to overcome it, and seeks to stimulate and not suppress this reaction.

Mode of Action

Homeopathy is essentially a natural healing process in which the remedies assist the animal to regain health by stimulating the animal’s natural healing forces. They appear to trigger a healing response in the animal, leading to a correction of the illness. One of the principles of homeopathy is that animals vary in their response to an illness according to their temperament. It follows, therefore, that a homeopathic vet will not automatically prescribe a specific remedy for a specific illness. Instead he will try to discover the animal’s temperament and responses, so that he can prescribe on an individual basis.


Homeopathic remedies are, during preparation, diluted to such an extent as to render them totally safe. They give no side effects and are non-addictive. Should children get hold of the animal’s treatment, they will not be harmed, however young they are.

Ease of Dosing

The treatments come in the form of tablets, powders, pillules, tinctures, lotions and ointments. They are highly acceptable to animals and internal treatments need not be swallowed as the medication is absorbed through the membranes of the mouth. The course of treatment given is, therefore, remarkably easy to administer.


Homeopathy has not only been proven to be effective in man and animals over the last two centuries, it has often succeeded where other forms of treatment have failed. Homeopathy has been used with a large degree of success in many other countries.

It is also frequently noticed by the owner that the animal’s temperament and appearance of well-being improve after a course of homeopathic treatment.

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Official Bodies

Homeopathy is recognized in the medical world and is also recognized officially in the veterinary field. There is now a British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons. The Homeopathic Development Foundation can help in locating vets who use homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy Cares for Animals

Animals are not necessary instruments of research in homeopathy and this fact has made this system of medicine attractive to thousands of people. There are clinical evaluation trials in progress in the normal course of veterinary work, showing the effectiveness of homeopathy in a wide range of veterinary problems. It is known to be a humane and effective alternative to conventional medicine, giving no problems either in administration or, as a result of treatment.

Availability and Use of Medicines

Many pharmacies now stock a wide range if homeopathic remedies, suitable of animal and human alike. They are suitable for use by an animal’s owner. This is not to say that veterinary advice is unnecessary but that, with guidance and experience one can use them for one’s pets just as one has been able to do so with one’s family. Obviously, for serious conditions, or where, symptoms persist, professional advice must be sought, but the homeopathic medicines listed below are suggested as a basis for a home medicine chest providing treatment for many day-to-day problems and emergencies.

Some Suggested Medicines

Medicine Use
For bruising; to help promote rapid healing after accident or injury; for wasp and bee stings; before and after tooth extraction.
For fright and shock; at the onset of feverish conditions.
Arsen Alb
For vomiting and diarrhea; for the chilly animal which cannot settle and has a constant thirst for small amounts of water.
For timidity and nervousness; for feverish and restless states.
Nux Vom
For poor appetites; for digestive upsets and constipation; for the touchy, irritable animal.
Rhus Tox
For rheumatic conditions (particularly after exposure to damp and cold) where improvement is apparent after gentle movement.
For skin conditions such as eczema. The animal constantly seeks a cool place to lie.
For pining (eg: in boarding kennels)

The tablets in the 6th potency are recommended for all the above medicines                

A combination of CALENDULA and HYPERICUM MOTHER TIMCTURE is readily available and is an invaluable antiseptic and mouthwash.

These are just a few of the indications for the medicines named. With experience, many more uses will reveal themselves and other remedies may be added to this basic “Frist-Aid-Kit

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