Introduction to Homeopathy

Homeopathy can be used for PEOPLE, ANIMALS AND PLANTS.

From 19th century Science began to focus its attention on the purely physical aspect of nature and health whereas before there was a continuum before then when these differing approaches walked through life each contributing to the other. Clearly before 19th century religion led to a major contribution to all philosophy and religion would brook no competition in the realms of thinking and religion would bear no contradiction to its precepts – the price for not agreeing to what the Churches said carrying the threat of being burnt at the stake at the least. That is a clear case of conditioning by the society in which one lived and with the strength of pressure of society, your work and other factors conditioned you to conform to what you were told.

As time passed this tendency grew into a good case for double blind trials (DBT) as the foundation for all research into science when searching for the truth. Science became more quantitative and more powerful and has progressed to the present when the many mental, emotional and mind symptoms are largely ignored by the medical profession. Such attitudes led to the medics saying that all schizophrenia was caused by the mothers. A horrendous attitude which I know to my cost was proffered by medics in the 1980s as it was said to me. A situation which I am not likely to forget as my daughter was ill for 40 years. Conditioning is a very important part of our lives.

Other problems which arise from this are the present perceptual wail from the NHS that we do not have any mental treatment or staff to deal with imbalances or paranoias for patients’ everyday lives. Add to that teaching in schools appears to suggest that one should listen to whatever one’s peers suggest. One’s peers are not necessarily correct but the bullying into doing what the peers suggest is a powerful tool – especially in these days of street drugs.

The above led to an emphasis on disease. Surely anyone would remember that all these useful symptoms became physical problems eliminating emotional factors. Did you never notice a difference in performance of the bladder or bowels before an exam – that headache which came on when you had not done your homework properly or the irritation and anger which could take over when there was an emotional matter at stake. 

Conventional allopathic medicine promoted the split between physical and emotional factors making medicine more objective as nature comes in on a purely 4-dimensional space-time level.

Homeopathy on the other hand looks more to health and illustrates a more spiritual level of being. This energy is magnetic in nature. The greater the degree of integrity of the networks – the more disorganised we become at the physical level the more disorganized our incoherence will become at subtle levels. The study of the periodic table shows how Rows and Columns contribute to the development of strength of action from the elements.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a continental doctor who could not agree with the blood-letting and leaches of that time. He rebelled against current medicine of the time and he eventually finished his life in France which leads to present position that France uses homeopathy more than rest of Europe. Hahnemann worked very hard on improving his powers of observation and learnt from that. Energies being treated were transferred from the physical body to the electromagnetic level of the patient and so could treat the patient’s electromagnetic field.

Homeopathy is very difficult to master as a living dynamic science. Medicine today stands on the threshold of a deep and radical change which will give the community more power over their own health and that of their families.

To start learning how homeopathy works and improves the balance of our lives we need to learn the basics of the science of homeopathy and how this becomes an art. I have made the objectives of this charity the study of people, animals and plants as it appears that these are universal energies of nature. Energies which are there to be used will also keep down our energy usage and help in the waging of war of usage of the earth’s carbon reserves from the earth’s surface.

We need to learn the basic laws of healing. We need to show the connection between spiritual health and our health. Show how we can achieve better health for ourselves and medicine has never kept pace with.

There are laws and principles according to which a disease or series of diseases arise in a person.

There are law and principles governing a cure which should be used to apply these principles.

Human objective is unconditional happiness – therapy should lead to that end.

You will not learn how to use homeopathy in a matter of hours or days. The teaching here is free as current medical thinking aims to suppress any movement towards learning more about integration of health. Would you expect the pharmaceutical companies to support a drug which could reduce or eliminate the amount sold of their best profit maker for another drug which could eliminate the difficult wind problem all together.

Mental, emotional and physical levels are important – most of all the mental is the most important.

Wavelength and frequency are interchangeable terms.

Sound waves at sea level travel at the speed of sound.
Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light.

Therapeutic Agent on the Dynamic Plane

Every substance, animate or inanimate has an electromagnetic field or chemical reaction through inter-reaction of electromagnetic fields. Increase the intensity of power of the remedy by increased potency. No limit to potentization beyond Avogrado’s constant.

To learn about homeopathy we need to familiarize ourselves with Hahnemann’s Books (The Organon) and Kent’s Lectures on Homeopathic Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy.

Additionally everyone will need a Repertory – body symptoms filed according to area of body eg head – pain – like a hammer. Learn all the areas of the and that takes time.

Materia Medica – has filed under the name of the remedy and then under the sub-set of other symptoms relating to that remedy.

Everyone wanting to learn about homeopathy will always have a Notebook and writing tool to write down whatever turns up. You may think you will be able to sort everything out in your head – but you will not be able to there is so much detail to grasp. This introduction gives an indication of how wide your reading will need to be in future. Please start with Organon Sixth Edition now – a quick read will get you on the right lines. Look up everything you do not know. At this stage do not get bogged down in detail – quick read through

Write your questions down in your notebook for starters. Difficult questions will resolve themselves as you study.

Remember you have to overcome your life conditioning!


Homeopathic Remedies are medicines prepared from animal, vegetable or mineral sources in accordance with homeopathic philosophy and methods whilst recording what improvements or differences are noted since taking the remedy. Remedies are researched on people for people, on animals for animals and on plants for plants. Use an animal e.g. a snake for a snake treatment then that means using the animal for research. To use snake remedy for a person you need to use research from a person on a person. Use a plant and you have increased the number of possibilities which need to be researched by using the substance on humans to establish the curing possibilities in a proving. Work is currently being pushed forward to increase the number of medicines available for use in any of the three areas – people, animals or plants. You cannot use a rat for research as effect of Vitamin C on people because rats manufacture their own Vitamin C.

First the Breadth of Homeopathy

A homeopath would consider all the symptoms and would establish a pattern of symptoms which need to be considered. What are the other symptoms to be considered? Are they relating to head, chest, extremities, stomach, sleep and or mental and emotional symptoms? And what else? The broader scope of symptoms opens up a wider choice of remedies to be considered or viewed as groups within major groupings of remedies which may or may not work well together and general upsets family, recent grief, anger, changes in their appetites for food and drink – or changes in the food they like to eat. How do they relate to other symptoms in their lives What is a symptom and how do they express them – do they withdraw into themselves or do they act very openly with much laughter and appearing to be the life and sole of the situation. Things are not always what they seem to be on the surface when what we are looking for is the cause of their problems– we need to observe as dispassionately as possible what feelings the person is expressing. We are not interested in what we think the person is saying – we are not interested in what we think they should be saying or what any particular therapy thinks they should be saying. All of this means we need to think carefully about what we think they are saying according to their deepest thoughts. An obvious case would be religious precepts which are accepted as true. Religion This makes sin fundamental to the person’s mode of thinking and thought are embedded in the feelings of the client. This generates deepest feelings of inadequacy in the client. It follows that feelings of inadequacy can be deeply embedded in the personality of the sufferer blaming themselves for that which is conditioning in their lives from previous experiences and perhaps reinforced by those around them.


89 year old lady was widowed and I went to her house for a house call. She was suffering from terminal bowel cancer and unable to sleep. Asking her questions revealed much and further extended my knowledge of her condition. Where were you living I asked. I lived on Clydebank she said. That was enough to give me a clue as t where her problem came from – Clydebank was the UK shipyards.

Basic concepts of homeopathy ref the reality that physical and mental symptoms are based on mental and emotional situations and their interactions.

Book suppliers Minerva Books and Helios – further information from their web-sites,

CASE – 89 female – Fear extreme all her life – since she was 9. She was 9 in 1940 she said. And therein lay the clue. 1940 was when the Luftwaffe were knocking all life out of Clydebank so that there would not be more ships coming into use to bring food to UK to keep starvation away.

Taking Cases:

Case-taking in homeopathy should take time and everything needs to be recorded because of the number of possibilities.

Examples of how we feel affects our health. Much ill health is the interaction of all aspects of our being – the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of our lives. Imagine yourself at school and suppose you may have occasionally done something wrong. You may have to go and get a reprimand from a senior teacher. What happens to you – they keep you waiting. There you are outside The Head’s Office – you are hot, you are cold, you shiver, you perspire, your tummy is in your mouth, your breathing becomes erratic, run to toilet, you may even get diarrhoea and your heart pumps away. What is it that needs treating in this instance? Is it each and every symptom? Or what is it that needs treating?

Firstly we begin to find that there is a great deal of detail in even beginning to think about what it is we need to know about individual problems. Whatever you do never think you can learn about how homeopathy works and the systems within homeopathic science which are available for us to look into the case.

For case-taking every symptom is important – relative effect on person works through after taking a remedy. When is the symptom felt, when does it recur, is it left-sided or right-sided or are there any other concomitant indications affecting the person Is the individual hot or cold – any unusual perspirations? Appetite? Thirst??? Bowel activity – hard or diarrhoea? – has colour of stool changed?


Funding will be provided by Helen Campbell so that where future activities are contracted then the contracted cost of those will be accumulated in Future Contracts Account and cash retained in HCHF SCIO bank account. This strategy will be adhered to so that there will be assets in hand for future events before the event happens. It is not envisaged that Charity will need to borrow funding to bring world experts to Edinburgh.

Helen Campbell MA BA BSc RSHom PCH 5 Ravelston Park Edinburgh EH4 3DX

Homeopathy and Individual Health

Homeopathy treats like with like – a substance which can cause disease or imbalance in any organism – can be prescribed in a higher potency and that may then deal with the symptom. Why do we explore the nature and systems of health, disease and out of balance aspects of our well-being? Modern methods of orthodox medicine do not enquire about the effects of mental, emotional and other stresses on the individual. A headache is a headache and removing that is generally all that is required by both the client and the medics. Most people would start with such as paracetamol. When the headache returns then repeat the same drug – and repeat again when headache returns. On the long term this becomes a form of suppression of symptoms where the additional symptoms are not necessarily obvious when observing. With orthodox treatment the client then undergoes multi- pharmacy for many years with new additional medications. Further developments come from this multi-pharmacy including prescribing further drugs to deal with the side effects of the medication they are taking. There is not suitable research to cover the patient’s reactions from multi-pharmacy.

In the instance of the crying 9 month old baby – Prescription was increased in potency and all crying ceased. The household slept and everyone returned to sleep and calm the family. It was when he stopped crying that the family said he had always previously refused to be put in a carry-cot or any other baby bed with sides on it. Consider, for example, baby that cries day after day and night and keeps the whole household awake for nine months. Some improvement after the first consultation – but continued to take the case – it transpired that delivery was two weeks late before the forceps delivery.

Influencing others to change is never easy and we know that this may mean we do not achieve all we want in the time available in person’s constitution. We recognise that changes can only be achieved through working in partnership with others. The role of HCHF SCIO Scottish Registered Charity No 049000 is to organise FREE discussions, seminars and tutorials for those associates those in community who wish to learn about Homeopathy – particularly in relation to People, Animals and Plants. This. wide brief leads to considering possibility that this energy is a form of universal energy of which we know little. Such people will provide information when they log into the computer programme for events. The events programme will collect information about community needs including age, health, particular areas for which information is looked for (e.g. women’s cycle, or age related or first aid) or other detail as required. It is expected that the core will reach one hundred members of the public who will become Associates and make up the core of interested people by April 2021. The Associates will probably be a source of new Directors to create a Board of Trustees for future. FREE discussion groups and tutorials will consider how symptoms are developed – For example a pregnant woman may have many upsets when she is pregnant or she may have major emotional.

It is the fear that needs treating. Treat the fear and silently all the other symptoms quietly go away. With health we need to look for the causes of disease, treat the cause and so improve your health. Let us first concentrate on what we consider to be the current attitudes to medical practice. We are conditioned according to our social environment to think that medicine as scientific is correct and that we should accept what we are told is correct. Nightmares – In my own life I had nightmares for 40 years which terrified me several times a week. During my nightmare held at gunpoint in my own home the intruders held me at gunpoint. On the farm we had guns in our lives and I knew what gunshot did to rabbits. In our lives during wartime as we require to be considered in the case taking. Is there a parent or sibling or any close emotional connection in their emotional lives building– bullying can also be very influential in influencing people involved. Careful reading of school essays can often reveal sources of stress. I was being held at gunpoint this means that we should never forget the effects of wars and society conflicts on personal feelings. Domestic abuse does of course come into this category. None of these situations with symptoms from different areas could be accurately tested in double blind trials (DBT) which are dubious methods of research when you cannot find out the cause. If the symptoms gathered which symptoms are suitable as a basis for DBT research is a tricky business.

Now would be a good time to do some deeper activity around your own health.

Think hard – what symptoms did you have … when did you get them – and how did they resolve. Did symptoms move from within outwards – from above down – or from past to present – etc Careful thought may be needed – as with skin problems – so often the skin improves but breathing is affected. Frequently the pattern is repeated as the skin first improves beyond recognition – is beautiful beyond all hopes. After a while the bad skin reappears and the breathing improves. Repetition of oiling the skin with creams is working on the client’s healing process and pushing the toxins inwards and upwards to the next higher organ – i.e. from skin to respiratory system – repeat the oiling of the skin and the skin improves but the respiratory functions

Thoughts on this Introduction:

We all come to this project from different directions and disciplines and that is one of the factors which will enrich this project. Everyone who studies homeopathy finds that they need to learn up other subjects

When we learn about remedies there is a tendency to think – Ah that sounds just like how I feel. Then there is the next remedy and blow me down – wow that sounds as if that remedy would suit me too! Homeopathy is a medicine which can be related to the Rows and Columns of the Periodic Table and to evolutionary groupings. This Charity is delighted to be able to provide education and recommend reading about the new areas. Look at the new areas and the thoughts which are to be developed in the future. If you are serious about your study you will need to buy some books – the charity library is a reading room not a lending library. Sadly my experience tells me that the public general are not good at returning books from a library and the value of the Reading Room would soon be depleted.

You will always find much comment from those who have never studied the subject in depth and are never short of deprecating comment about subjects that they do not understand. Many have set out to completely discredit the practice of homeopathy but have eventually come out the other end of their research realising there is a scientific and artistic base which is valid when studied. Being holistic practice it works well with other holistic practices and it can make working with the family health more rewarding and enabling the family members to deal with potential threats before they become fully established. An example is the question? What is the purpose of raising the temperature of the body? Apparently the purpose of this function is to kill off the negative aspects of negative energies. Lower the temperature after the heat has destroyed the harmful bacteria. To use this aspect of function of heat then always aim to treat the threatened high temperature at first signs of further sickness before the high temperature hits in.

This is the kind of situation when “if she is not better in the morning then we will seek the doctor’s help before the temperature gets out of control”. We must establish what we mean by a symptom before we get embroiled in analysis. A symptom is of absolutely no use to you in your analysis unless that symptom has turned up in a proving to show which details the substances will help deal with symptoms.

This will be dealt with in more detail when Headache needing treatment may not be very helpful as a symptom – helpful but not focussing on the person and therefore not specific enough. Having a headache on rising in morning on left side might be much more helpful. What we are pinpointing here is the amount of detail which we need to observe to help us pinpoint the precise change in function for the patient. At that point we can observe whether there is a change in the headache after taking the chosen remedy. Has the headache changed from being a right-sided remedy to being a left-sided remedy or have there been any other changes which had not been observed previously. Perhaps the bowel function has changed or urination now different. In this way we can start observing how body functions are relating to the headache So what is it that we need to treat – are there any other factors that we did not treat the first time around – was the patient constipated or suffering diarrhoea – are they under any kind of stress which encourage the symptoms – emotional or mental symptoms are very important in this connection.

At this stage you are not ready to philosophise in that direction but at least you need to be aware that these other factors will be teased out by attention to detail. You need to collect all symptom and feed in all the information you can find to hold that information in your mind’s eye before analysing your outlook about health and how to treat imbalances. For this reason you will probably be surprised how many symptoms work together.

Another prime factor in health is whether you are controlling health problems with medication when in fact you should be altering your diet rather than taking medication e.g. for constipation Prunes, figs and rhubarb can help bowel function rather than taking medication for bowel malfunction. Clearly mental and emotional stress can be the cause – e.g. with mental disturbance or deficiency you can affect your bowel or urinary function.

If there are areas where you have questions please indicate what the problems are and these can be answered in a blog – others may well have the same problem. Discussion groups are much better for sorting out areas which need clarification before moving on but Covid 19 has stopped that kind of meeting. As soon as the regulations are loosened then the discussion groups will take place at 5 Ravelston Park EH4 3DX – these are, of course FREE.

I am hoping you have now bought The Organon Sixth Edition and Kent’s Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy and may have had a quick red through. Understanding will increase gradually as we go through each chapter again in depth.

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