How Turbulent Is Your Life?
Homeopathy is a complementary therapeutic intervention that can provide low-cost therapeutic treatments for a range of disorders – many are often a continuous drain on NHS resources. Post-viral syndrome, allergies, glue ear, irritable bowel, migraine, mental and emotional problems and many other disorders, can be safely, cheaply and effectively treated by professionally qualified homeopaths under contract within Primary Care. Additionally, homeopathy can be used in areas where situations are complex and difficult to treat e.g. attention deficit disorder and hyperactive children. Stress at times of change responds particularly well to treatment.
Homeopathy is environmentally friendly, with remedies made from anything and everything. Remedies are made from animal, vegetable and mineral substances. Additionally, medicines are potentized from elements, energy (e.g. x-ray, sun and moon energy) and man-made substances (e.g. plastic and medications). The method of making remedies does not pollute the planet with chemical or large factories.
Thirty million people in the European Union now use homeopathy. In moving forward there is a co-operation and co-ordination at the European level and movements towards regulation on a national level. Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system of holistic healing which assists the natural tendency of the body of heal itself. Homeopathy recognizes that all symptoms of ill-health, mental physical or emotional, are expressions of disharmony within the individual. It is generally the individual who needs treatment rather than treatment for each separate symptom alone. Long before severe pathology appears, we can improve the balance of our health with an individually selected remedy. Homeopathy will not just drive away symptoms but help the patient deal with the causes of illness. Causes of much illness can be easily recognizable as rooted in grief, fear, anger and anxiety.
Encourage your body’s own healing power – use as little as possible of any medicine to stimulate healing by using an energy medicine rather than the substance itself. Do this and you use a medicine that does not give you long term side-effects. Homeopathic medicines are prepared by a process of dilution and succession which imprints the characteristic energy pattern, or blueprint, of the original substance to the water in which it is diluted. The mechanistic view of Newton and Descartes postulated a model of reality which separated mind, body and soul or spirit. Since then, the exploration of the atomic and subatomic worlds has broadened our ways of regarding reality and has led to the development of study of multidimensional worlds inter-relating and embracing as each influences the other. New visions of reality are based on the interconnectedness of all phenomena.
The current medial model of health, either conceptual or institutional does not accommodate such a paradigm. Much of contemporary biology and medicine adheres to a mechanistic view of life studying the functioning of cellular and molecular mechanisms. Remedies are made by converting the material substance to energy by repeated dilutions and repeated shakings – only the dynamic energy of the original substance remains. The skill lies in selecting the remedy that will match individual needs for recovery. The medicine, which will heal the person who is sick, will give the healthy person those symptoms if they take the remedy repeatedly. Remedies can be used either with or without other drugs as appropriate.
An example of this was a baby who refused to be put down in its cot day or night and demanded to be carried – carried – carried month after month. Parents and others would rock the child to sleep they thought. The moment they laid the child down the child was wide-awake demanding to be carried. This pattern continued for many months completely disrupting the parents’ lives and health – no other help was forthcoming. After a homeopathic consultation – two tablets were given and the child was content thereafter.
The time to treat most effectively is before first aid turns to chronic. Onset of anxiety is a good time e.g. when told of pending redundancy; or alternatively anxiety from the international situation e.g. 9/11 and The World Trade Centre; or anxiety due to many media programs. The national psyche is bombarded by aggressive images from dawn to dusk. Leave treatment too long then depression and despair can set in and it will be more difficult to treat. This situation is a clear example of how social situations induce the nurture imbalances accentuating the need for treating problems before they become pathology. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulation the body’s homeostatic tendencies. When subjected to stress we are more likely to succumb to ill-health.
Do you expect someone who has just lost their spouse of sixty years to be enjoying their food, to sleep well at night and to be happy and cheerful, outgoing and wanting to socialise. The very words we use tell what is likely to happen. “I’m choked with grief” “She is numbed with grief” – tingling in the fingers, numbness or even paralysis. Also, weight loss, inability to eat and depression becomes obvious. Use homeopathy with professional help and you can improve these symptoms
Professional homeopathic advice is needed for reduction of severe grief, fear, anxiety and anger. Recognition of the mind-body relationship is essential to improving our health – so often dismissed as psychosomatic. When you rage do you not run away, throw things, palpitations, rapid breathing, red in the face, bowel changes? When you are fearful do you not get hot, dizzy, want to hide, cold, tingling in the extremities, constipation, tension, off your food? When you have a broken relationship, what happens? Sleepless, loss of appetite, depressed and weeping. Your homeopath will consider everything you say and listen to every work you use to describe your feelings, analyse your case and prescribe.
Many first aid and acute conditions you can learn to treat yourself with help and training but chronic conditions need the help of a fully trained homeopath so that you move forward. How do you separate workplace stress and stress in the home? There is no way of separating the two. We are integrated beings and what affects us in one area of our life reflects in other aspects of our lives. This demonstrates that business can be held responsible for stress in the workplace which may have been initiated by years of stress at home but that an incident at work may have been the final straw for that person. So much is dependent on how we interpret what is happening to us rather than what is actually happening. Do you know someone who spends their whole life worrying about what might happen but rarely does? Most of us know someone like this. Another person sails through life and never seems to worry even although they have major problems to solve. These situations do not reflect how serious the problems the individual deals with but with how each reacts to the situation.
Gradually ideas unfold for personal and family dynamics. Homeopathy has the potential to use everything around us for its essence or resonance with ourselves. Using homeopathy for first aid can reduce use of antibiotics. Using homeopathic remedies can boost your immune system – need fewer antibiotics in the future. Using homeopathic remedies will not give you long-term side effects. There are different potencies available to treat at different levels. There is probably no time of life more likely to help general health than for the elderly when immobility starts. Homeopathy can give a new lease of life for the elderly improving their quality of life and help them remain independent longer.